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CNL für den Unterricht

Liisi Pajula
University of Tartu, Estonia

Emanuele Bardone
University of Tartu, Estonia

Examining the openness of the future

From the un-certain to the even less so

The realisation of the „grandest sociotechnical imaginary of our time“ (Beck et al. 2021, 143) – sustainability – depends on the imagination and creation of a future radically different from the present. In order to achieve that, “the” future first needs to be opened up: options now presented as unavoidable and their realisation “only a matter of time” need to be problematised and scrutinised. The first step towards this decolonisation of the future is recognising its unknowability and openness. Hence, this learning scenario guides students to examine what they do and do not (or cannot) know about the future.

#Futures literacy #uncertainty #imagination

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