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CNL für den Unterricht

Liisi Pajula
University of Tartu, Estonia

Emanuele Bardone
University of Tartu, Estonia

Exploring the Possibility of Future(s)

Futures Workshop as a tool for exploration and imagination

The realisation of the „grandest sociotechnical imaginary of our time“ (Beck et al. 2021, 143) – sustainability – depends on the imagination and creation of a future radically different from the present. In order to achieve that, „the’ future first needs to be opened up: options now presented as unavoidable and their realisation „only a matter of time“ need to be problematised and scrutinised. A futures workshop can create the space for exploring how teaching and learning might happen in the future(s) and provide a starting point for seeing the future as unfixed. This is where the imaginative work of looking towards alternatives begins.

#Futures literacy #imagination #futures workshop

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