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CNL Outputs

The CNL project aims to provide teachers, school principals, educators, and researchers in teacher education with teaching and learning materials that promote cultural sustainability. The CNL concept defines Anthropocene competence, enabling individuals to address the uncertainties of climate change in the 'age of humans' based on facts and solutions. Cultural education, with its creative potential, plays a key role in this endeavor.

The CNL project brings together the expertise of nine European project partners in education and ecological sustainability to formulate cultural sustainability as an inclusive educational concept for societal transformation in line with SDG 4(Quality Education): CultureNature Literacy (CNL) as Anthropocene competence. Cultural practices are essential for successful science communication in the Anthropocene.

The CNL Handbook (1) establishes CultureNature Literacy (CNL) as Anthropocene competence in theory and practice. Numerous examples illustrate this innovative educational concept, which places cultural sustainability at the forefront. The CNL Handbook serves as a guide for the design of Next-Practice Examples (2) and Text-Image Narrations (4) on the human-nature relationship, which are developed for use in interdisciplinary teaching and blended learning. The CNL Handbook (1) also serves as a guide for school leadership to implement the CNL concept for cultural sustainability in school development processes. The CNL MOOC (3) can be used for self-study and/or integrated into teaching and learning processes.

(1) CNL-manual

The CNL manual (part 1) establishes CultureNature Literacy (CNL) as a competency for the Anthropocene in both theory and practice. Numerous examples illustrate this innovative educational concept that emphasizes cultural sustainability. The CNL manual is aimed at educators in schools, colleges, and universities, as well as student teachers, who will help learners:

  • Acquire fact-based knowledge about human-induced environmental changes,
  • Understand nature and culture as a unified entity and thus promote corresponding appreciation and shared responsibility,
  • Utilize innovative didactic methods for conveying scientific knowledge, considering digitalization, inclusion, and participation,
  • Foster creative, critical, solution-oriented, and (earth-)systemic thinking,
  • Impart ecological awareness and resilience to address the uncertainties of climate change,
  • Reflect on future options based on values.

The CNL manual (part 2) prepares school principals to incorporate Anthropocene competency as a central theme for school development for the first time. It aims to support school principals in promoting Anthropocene competency within the framework of school development. It brings together the expertise of project partners in the fields of leadership, school management, school autonomy, inclusion, digitalization, sustainability, learning organizations, and school law. Consequently, the CNL manual serves as a compendium and keybook in training events for all involved project partners. Therefore, it is a central medium for transferring knowledge into school practice.

The CNL manual is available as an open-access publication HERE for free download for use in educational contexts.

Suggested citation for this publication:

Sippl, Carmen & Wanning, Berbeli (Hrsg./Eds.) (2023): CultureNature Literacy (CNL). Schlüsselkompe­tenzen für Zukunfts­gestaltung im Anthropozän. Ein Handbuch für den Theorie-Praxis-Transfer in Schule und Hochschule. / Key competences for shaping the future in the Anthropocene. A manual for theory-practice transfer in schools and universities. Baden: Pädagogische Hochschule Nieder­öster­reich/University College of Teacher Education Lower Austria. DOI: https://doi.org/10.53349/oa.2023.a1.210

NEWSLETTER: publication of the CNL Manual

(2) CNL for Teaching: Next-Practice-Examples

The CNL manual has been translated into learning scenarios as next-practice examples for schools and universities that promote CultureNature Literacy as Anthropocene competence. A user manual for the CNL platform can be found here. The CNL platform, under the heading CNL for Teaching, collects all the learning scenarios that have been created and makes them available to teachers at schools and universities free of charge in digital and printable PDF format to support the development of CultureNature Literacy as a key competence for shaping the future in the Anthropocene. The teaching and learning materials are based on the CNL manual and refer to the conceptual and methodological-didactic foundations presented there. The nine categories to which the learning scenarios are assigned name the central aspects of CultureNature Literacy between A like Anthropocene and Z like future, diversity, ethics, cycles, art, literature, media, language, knowledge. In addition, the learning scenarios can be searched by keywords and filtered by relevant parameters. These include the target group (primary level, secondary level I and II, studies, university teaching, school management), the individual school subjects as well as different languages (German, English, Estonian, Slovenian, Hungarian). The digital CNL platform is not a closed collection of materials, but should continue to grow. The CNL manual is available as an open-access publication HERE for free download for use in educational contexts.

NEWSLETTER: Die Lernszenarien – CNL für die Schule. Zum Abschluss von WP 2 | NEWSLETTER: The learning scenarios – CNL for schools. Finalizing WP 2


The CNL MOOC (3) can be used for self-study and/or integrated into teaching and learning processes. It combines the concepts established in the CNL Handbook (1) in theory and practice with the CNL learning scenarios (2) as Next-Practice examples for teaching. 

The CNL MOOC is aimed at teachers and students who want to engage with the topic of CultureNature Literacy(CNL) as a competency for the Anthropocene. The course is based on the four overarching competence areas of the  GreenComp

  • Embodying sustainability values
  • Embracing complexity in sustainability
  • Envisioning sustainable futures 
  • Acting for sustainability

There is no specific order for working through the thematic blocks. The modules can be completed one after another or selected based on personal interests. There are two approaches: without prior knowledge or for further exploration. The CNL MOOC reflection sheet helps with the selection process.

NEWSLETTER: CNL MOOC. Zum Abschluss von WP3. | NEWSLETTER: CNL MOOC. Finalizing WP3.

(4) CNL-Narratives

CNL text-image narrations creatively and artistically implement selected narratives of the Anthropocene in an intermedial manner.

Thematically, the CNL text-image narratives are based on selected narratives of the Anthropocene, which sensitize towards a redesign of the human-nature relationship. As innovative artistic media for science communication, they stimulate imagination and aim to convey respect and appreciation for the diversity and beauty of all life on planet Earth.

The combination of text and image offers diverse opportunities to creatively and artistically implement narratives of the Anthropocene: intermedially and multimodally. These can include picture books, videos, audiobooks, digital kamishibais, stop-motion videos, picture cards, story cubes, and more, which emerge in co-creative processes.

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