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CNL for teaching

Liisi Pajula
University of Tartu, Estonia

Emanuele Bardone
University of Tartu, Estonia

Creating Multiple Futures

Scenario planning for exploring alternative futures

The realisation of the „grandest sociotechnical imaginary of our time“ (Beck et al. 2021, 143) – sustainability – depends on the imagination and creation of a future radically different from the present. In order to achieve that, “the” future first needs to be opened up: options now presented as unavoidable and their realisation “only a matter of time” need to be problematised and scrutinised. Next, imaginative work is vital to helping create alternative visions of what’s possible and increasing our adaptability. Here, scenario planning can help to draw attention to how the future might unfold in various ways. In this learning scenario, learners are asked to create a variety of scenarios to explore the openness of futures.

#Futures literacy #imagination #scenario planning

here is the link to the complete learning scenario »

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